Wednesday, October 14, 2009


it's been like this lately...
just observing simon
getting to know him
smelling him
cuddling him
kissing him
feeding him
getting him to know us
and feel comfortable

and wow! it's is just amazing
so many mixed strong emotions

i'm a mom!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

week 33+6


my belly keepps on growing
simon is moving and kicking a lot
...and harder
sometimes i feel tired
sometimes i feel anxious
i want him to come soon!!!

lavando la ropa de simon!

i've been "nesting"
as much as you can when you know
you are leaving
in just a couple of months
but it feels good!

i'm in love with this baby
i'm in love with my pregnancy
i still can't believe this is really happening!!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

simply breakfast

believe it or not...
jen from simply breakfast
is posting again!!!!
yes, yes, yes

simply breakfast
is one of my favorite
blogs ever
so inspiring!

i was so sad when she anounced
it was closing last year
but she's back
posting beautiful
and yummy breakfasts
as always!

wellcome back jen!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

los cuadernos de lou

los cuadernos de lou

el grande es para simón
y la libretita es para mi

lindos, no?
pueden encargarselos a lou
quien se contacta contigo
para tomar un cafe
y revisar todas las cosas preciosas
que hace ella misma!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

sopaipilla' pasá'

sopaipillas y pebre

it's been cold lately
and being at home most of the time
i had a craving for sopaipillas

so my sister came
and we cooked
sopaipillas con pebre
and sopaipillas pasadas

a punto de ser sopaipillas

they were just amazing
and gave me the sense of comfort i needed
they reminded me of those cold rainy days
of my childhood
when i would come back from school
and there would be sopaipillas
it made me so happy!

sopaipilla' pasá' y con pebre

viva chile
viva la lluvia
y vivan las sopaipillas!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

cualquier verdura

this is another one
of my favourite shops
in buenos aires

to go in is like jumping into
a new dimension
they have soooooo much
interesting stuff
and it is also
so beautifully set

if you happen to visit bsas
please don't miss it:
Humberto 1º 517
San Telmo

you can also visit their blog:

congratulations guys
your shop really shows
how you love what you do

Saturday, May 9, 2009

hablando de muñecos

mi linda amiga Lore
hizo un post hace algunos dias
acerca de un monito
que nos mando de regalo
para nuestro bebé
(acabamos de saber que es hombre... yey!!!)

aqui van mis fotos de ginger
lo llamamos asi
por que nos parecio que
se parece mucho
a una raiz de gengibre

me encanta!!!
y estoy segura que nuestro baby
(sea cual sea su nombre... pobrecito aun no sabemos)
lo va a adorar tambien

gracias lorelinda
tu sabes que eres
una de mis fuentes de inspiracion
y apoyo
mas importantes

Sunday, May 3, 2009

llevo tanto tiempo pensando...
que hacer
por donde empezar
hacer algo nuevo
algo distinto que me haga feliz

y he pasado asi mucho tiempo
con mil ideas
pero muchos, muchos miedos

siempre que quiero arrancar
a hacer algo
me acobardo
en el mismo momento en que me lo planteo

hoy, nuevamente
me paso lo mismo
leyendo un post de noe
quise animarme y empezar
pero acobarde en ese mismo instante
espero que escribirlo aqui
me ayude a ponerlo en practica
y salir de mi estancamiento

me voy a anotar como
ayudante de the toy society
... en cuanto tenga mi primer juguete
les cuento

Sunday, April 12, 2009

and we're back!


i know, i know
i've been away for quite a while
the first couple of months of pregnancy
where a bit difficult
i didnt feel liek doing anything really
soooo tired, and feeeling soooo bad

now we've come to the second trimester
and i feel alive again
strong, full of energy, of ideas
it's me again

my belly is growing
it is really mazing how it grows everyday
i cannot feel the baby kicking yet
and we are so anxious about finding out
if it is a boy or a girl
... still some weeks to go...

we also found out that
we have to go back to london
by the end of this year
which is pretty exciting... and scary!

so... i'm back
and will be posting again soon

thanks for stoping by
and ... happy easter!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

good news

good news

oh my god!! yes, yes, yes...
i'm pregnant and i can't believe it
we are just so happy
and excited about it
also quite scared
as we didn't have a good experience
last year...
but, i'm pregnant!!!

yesterday we had our first sonogram
and we could see it
it's like a small bean-like baby
measuring 9mm
and with a heart that runs like mad horses
it was just so moving, exciting, touching,
there's really no worlds for it

so, i'm gonna be a mommy
in september
already started knitting
like crazy!

it's a new begining
it's gonna change our lives
it's so frightening
and wonderful all at the same time

what else can i say
i'm extatic

advice anyone?
knitting patterns to share?
clothes patterns?
ideas? anything?
i feel like i want to do so many things...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

sentimientos encontrados

cueca a las 12

fuimos a chile a pasar la navidad y año nuevo
con nuestras familias y amigos

es tan raro estar en Chile!
y sobretodo en Santiago
me produce una tremenda sensación de pertenencia
pero una pertenencia especial
no mi pertenencia a Santiago
sino mas bien la sensación
de que todo ahí me pertenece
las calles, las plazas, las casas
los autos, el aire contaminado, los árboles
la gente, mi gente!

pero a la vez tengo una triste sensación de extrañeza
como una mirada mas distante
mas crítica, como desde fuera
-una caraterística que, por cierto, critiqué muchas veces en otros-
la outsider, que está como desenchufada y descontextualizada
un cierto desconcierto, como de no entender bien
no entender mucho la ciudad y su crecimiento
(sobretodo en la cantidad de malls y strip centers)
o la forma de vivir que impone esa ciudad
una sensación de no compartir
finalmente de no pertenecer

siempre al vovler a partir
me siento dividida, ambivalente
no sé si quisiera quedarme
o salir arrancando
no sé si quisiera ya instlarme ahi
y volver a pertenecer
o me da miedo perderme
en sus imposiciones y demandas

es una sensación incómoda

será que alguna vez
volveré a sentir
que pertenezco a algún lugar?